Jux Configuration File
Configuring Jux allows you to customize its behavior to fit your project’s needs. By default, Jux uses a configuration file named jux.config.ts
in the root of your project.
A valid Jux config file exports its configuration using the default export. Using defineConfig
is recommended for automatic type hints in your IDE, but not required.
import { defineConfig } from '@juxio/cli';
export default defineConfig({ /* Your configuration goes here */});
- Default:
Whether to apply css reset styles. Preflight styles are a set of base styles that normalize the appearance of HTML elements across browsers.
You can check the default styles in the Preflight section of the documentation.
- Default:
import { defineConfig } from '@juxio/cli';
export default defineConfig({ /* ... */ include: ['./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}'], exclude: ['./src/components/jux/not_for_watch_page.tsx'],});
An array of glob patterns that specify which files Jux should watch for changes. Jux will only parse files that match these patterns.
- Default:
An array of glob patterns that specify which files Jux should ignore.
- Default:
Apply global CSS styles to your project. Global CSS are inserted at the top of the generated CSS file and are scoped to @layer base
cascade layer.
import { defineConfig } from '@juxio/cli';
export default defineConfig({ /* ... */ globalCss: { 'html, body': { fontFamily: 'Inter, sans-serif', margin: 0, padding: 0, boxSizing: 'border-box', }, },});
- Default:
Define your design system’s core token:
import { defineConfig } from '@juxio/cli';
export default defineConfig({ /* ... */ core_tokens: { color: { brand_100: { $value: '#0070f3', $description: 'Primary brand color', }, brand_200: { $value: '#ff0080', $description: 'Secondary brand color', }, }, dimension: { spacing_100: { $value: '8px', $description: 'Base spacing unit', }, }, },});
Learn more about defining tokens and the different categories you can use in the Tokens & Themes section of the documentation.
- Default:
Define your design system’s themes:
import { defineConfig } from '@juxio/cli';
export default defineConfig({ /* ... */ core_tokens: { color: { brand_100: { $value: '#0070f3', $description: 'Primary brand color', }, }, },
themes: { light: { color: { primary: { $value: '{core.color.brand_100}', $description: 'Primary color', }, secondary: { $value: '#f1f1f1', $description: 'Primary color', }, }, }, dark: { color: { primary: { $value: '{core.color.brand_200}', $description: 'Primary color', }, secondary: { $value: '#333', $description: 'Primary color', }, }, }, },});
Learn more about defining themes and the different categories you can use in the Tokens & Themes section of the documentation.
- Default:
Use configuration presets to share settings across projects. Any preset will be merged with the rest of the configuration, acting as a set of overrides / extensions.
import { defineConfig } from '@juxio/cli';import baseConfig from '@acmecorp/base-jux-config';
export default defineConfig({ /* ... */ presets: [baseConfig],
// Will be merged with the base config core_tokens: { color: { brand_100: { $value: '#0070f3', $description: 'Primary brand color', }, }, },});
Learn more about presets in the Presets section of the documentation.
- Default:
Create custom CSS properties that can be used when you style your components.
import { defineConfig } from '@juxio/cli';
export default defineConfig({ /* ... */ utilities: { mx: { transform: (value) => { return { marginLeft: value, marginRight: value, }; }, }, },});
// css({ mx: '12px' }) => { marginLeft: '12px', marginRight: '12px' }
- Default:
Customize the breakpoints used in your project.
import { defineConfig } from '@juxio/cli';
export default defineConfig({ /* ... */ screens: { xs: { max: '639px', // => @media (max-width: 639px) { } }, sm: '640px', // => @media (min-width: 640px) { } md: { min: '768px', max: '1024px', // => @media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1024px) { } }, lg: { min: '1025px', // => @media (min-width: 1025px) { } }, custom: { raw: '(orientation: landscape)', // => @media (orientation: landscape) { } }, },});
Learn more about utilities in the Utilities section of the documentation.
- Type:
- Default:
:where(:root, :host)
Specify the root pseudo-class for CSS variables.
- Type:
- Default:
A helper object to specify fonts to use in your project (currently supports Google Fonts only).
import { defineConfig } from '@juxio/cli';
export default defineConfig({ /* ... */ builtInFonts: { google: ['Inter', 'Poppins'], },});
This will automatically add the following import to Jux CSS file:
@import "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Inter:100,200,300,regular,500,600,700,800,900,100italic,200italic,300italic,italic,500italic,600italic,700italic,800italic,900italic&subset=cyrillic,cyrillic-ext,greek,greek-ext,latin,latin-ext,vietnamese";@import "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Poppins:100,100italic,200,200italic,300,300italic,regular,italic,500,500italic,600,600italic,700,700italic,800,800italic,900,900italic&subset=latin,latin-ext";
- Type:
- Default:
Specify browser targets for compatibility.
import { defineConfig } from '@juxio/cli';
export default defineConfig({ /* ... */ browserslist: ['> 5%', 'last 2 versions', 'not dead'],});
- Type:
- Default:
Specifies where to pull generated components when working with Jux editor.
- Type:
- Default:
Specifies where to pull design tokens when working with Jux editor.
- Type:
- Default:
Specifies where to pull generated type definitions when working with Jux editor.