The text module consists of the following submodules:
Typography Submodule
The typography submodule allows you to customize the text style of your components.

Within the typography submodule, you can customize the following properties:
Font Family: The font family property allows you to customize the font family of your text. You can choose from a list of font families. This property can be tokenized with font family tokens.
Font Weight: The font weight property allows you to customize the font weight of your text. You can choose from a list of font weights. Currently, Font Weights do not support tokenization.
Font Size: The font size property allows you to customize the font size of your text. This property can be tokenized with font size tokens.
Line Height: The line height property allows you to customize the line height of your text. This property can be tokenized with line height tokens.
Letter Spacing: The letter spacing property allows you to customize the letter spacing of your text. This property can be tokenized with letter spacing tokens.
Text Color Submodule
The text color submodule allows you to customize the color of your text.
Align / Direction Submodule
The align / direction submodule allows you to customize the alignment and direction of your text.